It has been declared that with the triumph of Reason "reality" was finally allowed to emerge from behind the veil of delusion, for religion had finally been toppled. The Age of Reason deposed the Age of Treason. However, if the "fact" is that God is dead, the truth is that He is not buried, or rather those symptoms of human disorientation for which He was held culpable, such as existential anxiety, fear, and, above all, self-deception, have persisted. Within the seemingly self-sufficient routines of daily life exists the mistrust for ultimate meaning and purpose, but this itself has bred a paranoia engendering alienation, avarice and emotional damage.
[The artist] knows something about the solitary struggle. His voyage embarks upon the waters of often unconscious experience, invariably caught between the Scylla and Charybdis of indecent exposure and the over-inhibited articulation of fears and desires. This excursion he must undertake alone, for only then, as in the silence and solitude of bringing himself to account, can he draw from himself his truths and lies....
This is not tantamount to supposing that an artist, Bahá'í or otherwise, can assume a self-appointed prerogative to proffer answers. In fact it suggests that his obligation is to ask the right questions. The power of art, in its essence, is the power of suggestion.
А теперь.. хорошие новости :)The suggestion of this Revelation is a powerful and original one...
...But, in distinction from pure philosophy, this does not mean that the Bahá'í dispensation has simply established new ideas; rather, it has generated the charge of a new spirit, a spirit that has indeed upset Man's ordered life including his internal balances. As "The Valley of Love" declares in quoting from a Persian mystic poem:
A lover is he who is chill in hell fire;
A knower is he who is dry in the sea.
The art of this dispensation must, somehow, be infused with, and depict, this new spirit. It must describe the new bounties and capacities without which such a transformation is inconceivable, which the Master assures us are awaiting our capture in this age of maturity. It must depict not just the struggle of good against evil, but the "new" human spirit that will necessarily insure the victory of all that is good. The literature of despair has done a thorough job in reflecting the deterioration of this age. The challenge is now to locate and immortalize the existent means for its rebirth.
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